Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm in the best shape of my life. So is Erica ;)


Whit said...

Great photo!

Michelle Rowe said...

Erica you're so cute pregnant! Oh yeah, you look good too Rhet.

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

you look so cute Erica! :)

Mark and Carley :) said...

i love you both!!

Jeff and Angela Boyle said...

Rhet, you look more and more like your dad! it's great. erica, you look fabulous, darling! Hope to see you around town sometime.

Hulberts said...

How are things at the Hulbert house? Reese and I are excited to come to Idaho someday to see you guys.

Emily Patterson said...

You are in the best shape of your life. It was good to see you guys at the wedding reception.